Thursday, October 10, 2013

the Jean Carles method of perfuming

Hi, Everyone,
The Jean Carles method of perfuming is one of the several that I teach in my correspondence course. When creating perfume this way, it is important to use 2-5% dilutions so as not to ‘waste’ your materials. You will still get the idea of where you are going with these pre-diluted essences.
Here is a blog address that featured an article on this interesting and greatly influential perfumer of the 20th Century:
Enjoy the read.
I’m putting this to you today in hopes you will experiment and find harmony between your most loved essence and your least loved essence using the Jean Carles method. Then share how many drops of each one did it take for you to create an accord between them.
You can find out how to do it here: I would love to hear which essence you love, why, what it brings up for you emotionally, how it makes you feel. The same with the least favourite – what is it that you don’t like about it; why; what does it bring up for you emotionally...
Email me back if you want to play.
Let’s go see...
Love Lyn

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