Friday, November 9, 2007

Working with Spirit Energy

Working with Spirit Energy

Working with Source Energy and grounding to Gaia is a natural way of being for me; it's how I live my life. That, of course, extends to my perfumery. The spirit of the plant is the aromatic aura (fragrance) it releases. The word 'perfume' comes from the Latin per fumum (there seems to be multiple spellings of this phrase), which literally means through smoke. In ancient times, burning botanicals was how our ancestors honored their gods. The church still does this today with their smudge pots and scented candles. Most rituals include flowers, which are soothing in their form, colour, and aroma. When we can't think of anything else, we bring/send flowers. Working with plant material and the gifts they offer is indeed sacred work. It is a privilege to create a perfume that can elevate the Self to Source (you know, that goofy look we get when we smell something that 'just sends us', and is 'just heavenly') while at the same time recognizing the gifts of Gaia and growing in appreciation for our earth.
Honoring the Spirit of Source Energy, the Spirit of Earth/Gaia Energy, and the Spirit of the plants/plant essences you work with each day will add a remarkable dimension to the whatever you create. All the way through the process – from chanting Om while you gather the leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds from the plants in your garden, to saying a prayer while you create the tinctures, that they be for the highest good of those who use them, to activating healing energies through your hands and the tools around you and flowing that into your product – every step of the way offers a new opportunity to add unique energies to the mix. Each person will bring to his or her practice their own way of being in regards to working with Spirit Energy. Whether you pray, chant, use intentions, tone, use crystals or colours, or some other ritual, you will notice the difference in response from your clients when you add Spirit Energy.

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